Diana Alvarez Acupuncture

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Diana Alvarez Acupuncture

Opening hours

Oak Bay Wellness Centre,2187 Oak Bay Avenue, Suite 214, Athlone Court, Victoria, British Columbia, V8R 1G1


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Diana Alvarez, R.Ac., graduated in 2009 with Diploma of Acupuncture from the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Victoria, B.C. and is a licensed acupuncturist registered with the CTCMA of BC.

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8 reviews
  • Maxine Kennedy·

    It has been 15 years since Diana treated me and I am so glad I found her again. She thoroughly explained the treatment given and I am looking forward to the next session and the improvement in my neck and shoulders.

  • Diana Gibson·

    Diana is excellent. My son had tried everything for his back injury but wasn't getting better. Diana assessed and treated him - he's back to the volleyball court and heading to Nationals!

  • Steph G·

    Diana was wonderful. It was my first time doing acupuncture and she made me feel very comfortable and calm. It was a great experience and something I plan to continue!

  • Tiffany·

    Diana has helped me tremendously over the years I have been seeing her. Definitely recommend if you have pain, or hormones/stock issues. Or just want to move energies.

  • Norma Godfrey·

    Diana is always quiet, polite, and very professional but at the same time you feel comfortable. She is AWESOME!

  • James Rogers·

    Diana is great at what she does. She has the ability to create a safe space for those of us who are needle nervous to engage in acupuncture.
    Her treatments have really helped my mobility

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